
Lisa Slifer-Mbacke


Lisa Slifer-Mbacke is a technical director with over 30 years of experience leading international development work. She served as the chief of party for the Literacy Enhancement Assistance Program (LEAP) basic education project in Nigeria. As an education specialist in the USAID/West Africa Mission, she led the design of a girls’ education program called the Burkinabe Response to Improve Girls’ Chances to Succeed (BRIGHT), which focused on girls’ enrollment and retention in primary schools. She served as the technical director for the Pakistan early grade reading assessment (EGRA) baseline, which was administered to over 31,000 children in more than 1,100 schools throughout the country. In Senegal, she led a national study of out-of-school children and youth and worked with the Ministry of National Education to develop a scaling-up plan for bilingual curriculum in primary schools. Aside from her work in Senegal on scaling-up education models, she facilitated a series of trainings and workshops on scaling-up education pilots including the USAID/Education Office’s training course “Scaling-Up for Sustainability”. Lisa has a bachelor’s degree in English literature from the University of California, Santa Cruz and a master’s degree in international communications from American University. She is fluent in English and French.


What Makes for “Good Enough” Data in Conflict and Crisis Contexts?

The Largest Childhood Assessment to Date Using the EGRA Tool

Collaborative Problem Solving: Developing inclusive criteria for meta-evaluation in education

Innovating is the Easy Part

MSI Leading Critical Thinking on Scaling Up for Development


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