
Promoting Women in Power Globally

Helping expand women’s leadership and political empowerment
We partnered with USAID staff and academics on the Women in Power (WiP) project to assess progress in women’s leadership and political empowerment and recommend best practices and institutional measures to strengthen future programs and research. We reviewed 100 different activities and five indepth case studies, from which our research team generated lessons learned to guide future programming.

The Desktop Study of nearly 100 activities documented objectives, approaches, and results that aimed to increase women’s political representation and leadership. And country case studies, conducted in Cambodia, Georgia, Jordan, Kenya, and Mexico, provided a deeper look at the objectives and achievements of select USAID-funded programs with a significant focus on women’s leadership and political empowerment.

We also piloted a new model for measuring women’s leadership—the Women’s Power Score—for use in politics and the public sector.

The project also included a two-day workshop at which leading experts on women’s political leadership from donor agencies, development organizations, and academia shared research findings and identified common learning agendas for future collaboration. Additional learning resources based on the project included three video modules and a training curriculum on women’s leadership and political empowerment.

This video gives an overview of the project, including interviews with USAID leadership and segments from the 2014 workshop.




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