
Improving Education Programming with Data and Evidence

We work with USAID to improve the quality, relevance, availability and use of education data
Working alongside our partner EnCompass LLC, we are fostering a shift in data culture to improve education outcomes.
Education is a powerful driver of development and is essential to succeed on the journey to self-reliance. And yet, there is still a global learning crisis – more than 617 million children and adolescents do not have minimum proficiency in reading or math. USAID, along with other US Government agencies, is working to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its international basic education programs. We are implementing the USAID-funded Data and Evidence for Education Programs (DEEP) project in partnership with EnCompass LLC. The project is designed to mobilize the technical expertise necessary to establish visionary education evidence agendas, make strong secondary data available and accessible via USAID enterprise systems, and produce innovative analysis of secondary data. The team increases rigor and relevance of data and evidence by identifying issues with quality and relevance. We also work to increase the availability of data by developing streamlined procedures to support timely uploads of evaluation data sets to the Development Data Library (DDL). We developed the DDL Roadmap, which not only helps partners fulfill their contractual obligation for submission, but also makes sure the data are of a sufficient quality to be discoverable and useful. We also work to deepen understanding of contributors and barriers to program effectiveness and equity by responding to requests for secondary analyses, meta-analyses, and evidence and literature reviews. For example, we carried out a rapid review of Jordan’s Ministry of Youth’s (MOY) monitoring, evaluation, and learning needs and systems. This report, which pointed out challenges in the current system and provided recommendations, informed USAID’s agreement with the MOY. Education data is often complex, so we increase accessibility by tailoring content and dissemination approaches to target audiences. In April 2020, the DEEP team produced Delivering Distance Learning in Emergencies: A Review of Evidence and Best Practice. The review is being used as a foundation for additional dissemination materials as well as a resource to guide IPs in adapting to distance learning under COVID-19.




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