Dan Killian
- Technical Manager
Daniel Killian is a monitoring and evaluation specialist with more than 16 years of experience in community and international development, including nine years of experience working in conflict-affected environments such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Bangladesh. Dan designs project monitoring and evaluation systems and prospective evaluations to enable robust inference, identify varied treatment effects and contribute to ongoing and iterative learning between clients, implementers and beneficiaries. He also applies multivariate analytical techniques to uncover latent measures of constructs such as stability, resilience and cohesion and illustrate how they interact in complex environments. He has measured the stabilizing effects of village development projects and peacebuilding among local justice providers in rural areas, and applied indirect measurement approaches to explore public perceptions of state legitimacy and relative support for violent actors. Dan holds a master’s degree in applied economics from Johns Hopkins University, and a Master of Fine Arts degree in creative writing from Columbia College.