Analytical Support in Asia and the Middle East
Our applied research had a strong programming lens and explored violent extremism (VE) drivers, dynamics, at-risk populations (e.g., youth and women), recruitment and resiliencies. The project also analyzed political reform and conflict issues. The findings were used broadly within the U.S. Government, including at USAID, the U.S. Department of State and the National Security Council.
Of the 20 pieces of analytical work, most of the studies were assessments of VE or conflict related to particular countries or regions, including Myanmar, southern Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Central Asian Republics. Our Myanmar assessment identified and analyzed drivers of political change and the prospects for a successful political transition.
An additional study looked at ethnic conflicts and the prospects for durable peace. Another assessment examined the impact of USAID/Cambodia’s activities and identified additional measures the Mission could take to incorporate social accountability principles into its programming.
Strategic assistance to USAID/Egypt helped Mission staff think about how they could better support political reform in an uncertain political transition process.
Assessments in countries like Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia and southern Thailand addressed VE risk.