
Designing and Executing Projects on Conflict, State Fragility and Violent Extremism

We work closely with USAID and other donors on projects in insecure, unstable and complex countries
Armed conflicts around the world continue to discourage investment, destroy physical infrastructure and derail the implementation of development programs.

However, development assistance can make an important contribution to conflict prevention, mitigating its effects once violence has erupted, and supporting processes for negotiation, reconstruction and recovery.

As the prime implementing partner for USAID’s Programming Effectively Against Conflict and Extremism (PEACE) IQC, we promote the design and implementation of conflict-sensitive and fragility development programs globally. Along with our consortium of partners, we offer USAID Missions and Bureaus access to analytical training and program implementation capabilities that address a range of issues, including:

  • Early warning and metrics of conflict, fragility and instability;
  • Natural resource management, and environment and conflict;
  • National security and development;
  • Peacebuilding and reconciliation;
  • Economics and conflict;
  • Governance and conflict; and
  • Conflict and resilience

Our consortium has considerable experience working in some of the most insecure environments in the world. MSI alone has implemented more than 180 projects in conflict-affected areas, including Sierra Leone, DRC, Lebanon, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Colombia and Kenya.

MSI and several partners have worked closely with USAID to develop and refine approaches and frameworks, including USAID’s Conflict Assessment Framework 2.0 and guidance on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE).

Grounded in USAID policy, strategy and guidance, our approach leverages our deep understanding of conflict dynamics and resilience. We are also committed to a holistic Do No Harm approach that is informed by highly contextualized conflict analysis.

The following MSI projects were awarded under the PEACE IQC:




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